31 de enero de 2008


30 de enero de 2008

La pesadez, la muerte
los párpados están cerrados
apenas llega la noche

29 de enero de 2008

Ahora, me doy cuenta de que no sé en donde iniciar la búsqueda de nebulosas.
Quiero encontrar viento, estelas, espirales, nubes, quimeras, heliotropos, lluvia, zapatos rojos... Pero... ¿para que buscarlo? Lo necesito, así como necesito el vacío, pero el vacío no se busca, el llega a ti, y al parecer nunca se va, se queda y te consume lentamente...
El dilema es el mismo, la dificultad para encontrar un equilibrio entre la "fantasía" y la "realidad"; me he decidido mil veces por la "fantasía" pero me aterra traspasar el delgado borde entre la locura utópica y la nociva; vivir con un sueño, soñar con una vida... no lo sé
¿Cómo determinar el momento de la metamorfosis? ¿Como ganar la batalla contra ti mismo?
¿De que me sirven los ojos, si soy ciega? No necesito este áptero cuerpo.

25 de enero de 2008

But not today...

17 de enero de 2008

Sometimes when I think about you I am so happy.
Maybe there are things you can´t do for me. But your friendship makes me a best person.
I don´t want to hurt you, I want to give you my life, but first I need to resolve some things of the list. Already I corrected four things.
I´m ok, and you?
I miss you. Soon the chaos will be organized...
Soon I will be next to you, looking for clouds.

16 de enero de 2008

Sometimes when I think about you I get a lot of pain.
I know I can't do anything for you. That awful solitude is something we have to live and we have to survive to it.
Sorry if I used your pass. I just wanted to know how were you... I haven't seen you in a couple of days. It's like you were hidden from me. But I understand that THIS is not about me, it's about you and I have to respect your silence, your absence is bigger everyday, but I'll wait for you. When you finally decide what is going to happend with your life, I'll be there for you, anytime you want.

11 de enero de 2008

When everything important in life has gone, the only thing you can do is DANCE with Red Shoes

9 de enero de 2008

This is the end...